Leader Spiral Wound Gasket Type SRI

The sealing element with inner- and outer guide ring. The “SRI” SWG’s are manufactured with an inner, outer guide ring, sealing element – winding material(SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 100...
Leader Spiral Wound Gasket Type SI

The sealing element with inner ring. The “SI” SWG’s are manufactured with an inner ring, sealing element – winding material(SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 1000 (high temp. modified Phlogopi...
Leader Spiral Wound Gasket Type SR

The sealing element with outer guide ring. The “SR” SWG’s are manufactured with an outer guide ring, sealing element – winding material(SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 1000 (high temp. modif...
Leader Spiral Wound Gasket Type S

The sealing element - no inner- and outer guide ring. The “S” SWG´s are manufactured in sealing element - winding material (SS316L, SS321…) and the soft fillers - graphite, PTFE, LeaderTHERM NXT 1000 (high temp. modified Phlogopi...
Leader SRI HDLE (High Density Low Emissions) SpiralWound Gasket

HDLE (High Density Low Emissions) Style SRI (spiralwound w/ inner & outer ring)...
Leader SpiralKam

SpiralKAM SRI-LCP & SRI-LCG are Two Seals…One Design...